About Us development February 7, 2023
WE ARE GRASSHOPPER We're not your typical SEO agency

About Us

We like to keep things simple. 

Our team is made up of marketers who combine their SEO skills with a real passion for working with ambitious businesses. We love that there’s always a story to tell, and our hands-on approach is backed up by a vested interest in gaining results.

We’ve cut our teeth with some of the UK’s most established brands. We are not afraid to get our hands dirty in the process, and we don’t stop until we get results.

Our Core Values

We don’t baffle with science

We don’t baffle with science. We see working with our clients as a partnership and we need their input. That’s why we believe in being completely transparent with the strategies we employ and the way we work.

We don’t like to overcomplicate

We don’t like to overcomplicate things for the sake of it, and we always treat our clients’ businesses with the respect they deserve. To get the desired results, we lay it all out on the table. Sometimes, we can be brutal with our opinions about their websites, but we always back them up with a reason why, as well as a custom strategy with actionable solutions to get their website back on track. We are employed to deliver growth and we do whatever it takes to increase sales.

Our approach is to front-load

Our approach is to front-load our work to gain the quickest results. We want to deliver a rapid return on investment, so our clients gain confidence in our abilities and validate their decision to work with us. We’re not afraid to get our hands dirty. Over-delivery comes as standard.


Meet the team

Alexander Harvard
Operations officer
Bryan Jonhson
Graphic designer
Jeremy Dupont
Web developer

Trusted by



There are no guarantees with SEO, but we’ve built our reputation on delivering results for our clients. 

Sometimes, certain things (like Google algorithm updates) are out of our control, but we will invest more hours and more skills until we get the results we need and get back on track.

We offer a competitive price range tailored to our clients and their businesses. If you would like a specific price point for your business, do not hesitate to get in touch!

There is a myth that SEO takes a long time to work. In reality, it only takes a long time because many SEO agencies give you the standard 8-10 hours per month. We front-load our efforts on new projects to things moving quickly.

While we can’t control what Google does, we’ve seen results in under a week. We make it a priority to fix everything on your site, ensure it is optimised, and then we add high-quality, relevant content to make you the authority in your niche.

SEO is an investment in your business. You need to treat it as part of your marketing toolkit, not just as a cost.

Google changes its algorithm over 500 times per year. If want to dominate your niche, you must ensure that your website is constantly being updated, remains within Google’s stringent guidelines, and outperforms your competitors.

In short, SEO is an ongoing activity. However, we have many clients who have been with us for many years. Our return on investment is exceptional, which should make it a ‘no-brainer’.

We have always made a positive impact on our customer’s businesses. Some sites this takes a little longer than others to get results, depending on the state of the website and the competitiveness of the industry, but we always get results. 50-100% uplift in traffic and sales is common. 

We’re not an agency that takes on every SEO project that approaches us. We are 100% transparent and we will be clear if we don’t believe we can get results for any reason. Even within the SEO work, there are certain sectors that require specialist skills. We do not work in the gambling, pornography, or medical sectors. 

We have always made a positive impact on our customer’s businesses. Some sites this takes a little longer than others to get results, depending on the state of the website and the competitiveness of the industry, but we always get results. 50-100% uplift in traffic and sales is common. 

We’re not an agency that takes on every SEO project that approaches us. We are 100% transparent and we will be clear if we don’t believe we can get results for any reason. Even within the SEO work, there are certain sectors that require specialist skills. We do not work in the gambling, pornography, or medical sectors.

Good question! Ha! It’s true, SEO agencies are ten-a-penny in the UK but, good ones with proven expertise are hard to find. Many agencies understand about search engines but they don’t have our commercial expertise. We’ve run our own businesses (SEO and other types) for 20-years and we’ve worked with over 140 different online businesses, so we know what works and what drives sales. Like we said earlier. Rankings don’t pay the bills. Sales do.

Ready to talk?